Skeptical? That's Healthy... See what your neighbors have to say | "total cost analysis" Picking the right program is as important if not more important than the lowest rate. Look at the total cost. | Thanks for keeping me from making an expensive mistake. I didn't realize the differences in loan programs could be that dramatic and you saved me thousands of dollars by helping me understand how to pick the right loan, with the right rate. Bill Borden- 1541 Brickell Avenue, Miami Florida 33129 | Past credit problems can be overcome with hundreds of expanded mortgage programs | "What company is going to honestly look past my bankruptcy and approve a home loan for us? That's exactly what I thought to myself while filling out the application at the Addie Mae Website. I don't know how you did it, but you did it. Thank you so much for everything." David & Tina Douglas - 3227 Elizabeth, Dallas Texas 75204 | You Get Results | "I needed to pay off my credit cards, the payments were over $1,000 a month. To make matters worse my air conditioner broke and we were really sweating it out. Houston gets really hot in the summer. The people at Addie Mae were great, they got me the money to pay off my bills and the extra money for the new air conditioner". John & Barbara Hunt - 2302 Brookhaven Ct, Houston TX | Excellent Service | "Thank You Addie Mae. You have made this a very painless ordeal for which I am very grateful. My mother understands because you made it simple enough. God Bless you ! LaRhonda & Ruthie Washington- 1190 N. Elmhurst Rd, Mount Prospect, Illinois 60056 | They Understand Self Employed? A No Income Verification Program May be Right for You. | I own my own business, and needless to say, in a cash business everything isn't always 100% accounted for. They understood my situation and set me up with an unbelievable.. loan everyone else told me was only possible for people who could prove their income on paper." Gary Marks - San Diego California | Pleasant Surprises at closing - We Over Deliver "I signed the paperwork at the title company but have a couple of questions. The monthly payment was lower than our initial paperwork by $13.63, Is this Correct? - Albert Martin, Las Vegas NevadaI looked at the loan terms and the first payment coupon. The first payment on this new loan is due on June 1. I also looked at the payoff and the refinance breakdown. It appears that I can skip two months of payments since my old loan is being paid off and the first payment on the new loan is due 6-1-03. Is this Correct? - Will Johnston, Englewood Colorado The quickest way to get started is by using the easy secure form. We know you may be reluctant to put personal information online, even on a secure form. So, if you prefer you may call 1 (800) 282-1517 and speak to a live person. We do have hundreds of offices coast to coast but this central office serves 48 states. |
Should You Refi? The risk involved in refinancing your current mortgage is nearly non-existent. If you think you'll save money by refinancing, now is a good time to act. Thousands of people refinance their homes and save money every day, look at some of the benefits of refinancing today. Refinancing your home loans can allow you to take advantage of these benefits Lower interest rates resulting in lower monthly payments Consolidate high interest rate, 2nd liens, home improvement and/or swimming pool loans or credit card balances into one lower interest rate mortgage and better terms and tax deductible interest costs Make Home Improvements and make your home a better place to live. Get Cash Out to spend as you wish. Use it for vacations, tuition, starting a business. Shorten your term to Build Equity Faster. Trade your ARM in for a fixed rate loan and lock in long term savings. Current appraised value - not purchase price is used to calculate LTV ratios. (if you have owned the property for over 6 months) You may be able to avoid PMI costs. Pay off balloon payments or call provisions on your current loan Lower interest rates resulting in lower monthly payments Consolidate high interest rate, 2nd liens, home improvement and/or swimming pool loans or credit card balances into one lower interest rate mortgage and better terms and tax deductible interest costs Make Home Improvements and make your home a better place to live. Get Cash Out to spend as you wish. Use it for vacations, tuition, starting a business. Current appraised value - not purchase price is used to calculate LTV ratios. (if you have owned the property for over 6 months) You may be able to get more cash out or get a lower rate.
AddieMae.com is a network of mortgage specialist across the US. Mortgage application requests are routed to participating service area lenders and brokers. At Addie Mae we let lenders and brokers bid for your loan. Then you select the loan you want. This is not an advertisement for credit as defined by paragraph 226.24 of regulation Z. Use of this site constitutes your agreement to the terms of use and privacy policy. Please read and understand them prior to using this site. All information is subject to change without notice. AddieMae is not owned, operated or endorsed by any government agency or Goverment Sponsored Enterprise (i.e. Mortgages, Freddie Mac, Ginnie Mae, HUD, FHA, VA, or USDA rural housing agencies) p.s. All of our testimonials are 100% real and are on file for anyone who wants to visit us and review them. We have changed the names and addresses to protect their privacy. Thank you for considering our offer. Peace. |