| Use of IRA funds To Buy Your 1st HomeFirst home. To qualify for penalty-free withdrawal treatment as a first-time homebuyer distribution, a distribution must meet the following requirements.
It must be used to pay qualified acquisition costs (defined later) before the close of the 120th day after the day you received it. It must be used to pay qualified acquisition costs for the main home of a first-time homebuyer (defined later) who is any of the following. - Yourself.
- Your spouse.
- Your or your spouse's child.
- Your or your spouse's grandchild.
- Your or your spouse's parent or other ancestor.
- When added to all your prior qualified first-time homebuyer distributions, if any, the total distributions cannot be more than $10,000.
If both husband and wife are first-time homebuyers (defined later), they each can withdraw up to $10,000 penalty-free for a first home.
Qualified acquisition costs. Qualified acquisition costs include the following items. - Costs of buying, building, or rebuilding a home.
- Any usual or reasonable settlement, financing, or other closing costs.
First-time homebuyer. A first-time homebuyer is, generally, any individual (and his or her spouse, if married) who had no present ownership interest in a main home during the 2-year period ending on the date the individual acquires the main home to which these rules apply.
Date of acquisition. The date of acquisition is the date that: - The first-time homebuyer enters into a binding contract to buy the main home to which these rules apply, or
- The building or rebuilding of the main home to which these rules apply begins.

Source: IRS Publication 590