Your source for specialty
leasing and financing of business equipment, professional equipment,
capital equipment, municipal equipment, manufacturing equipment &
medical equipment for businesses and professionals in the US.
Specialty Leasing Options
Hard Asset
Businesses leases up to
$100,000 with an
application only. This lease is for industrial
equipment, forklifts, machine tools, yellow iron, and other
industrial equipment. Minimum lease for this program is
$10,000 and maximum lease is $100,000! This is an
application-only to $100,000 program and 6 year terms are available!
All lessees are required to be
at least 2 years in business.
Owner's credit bureau - Must
score below 650 on TRW MDS score .
Bank Reference - Low 4 (up to
35K), Med4 (up to 50K), High 4 (75K)..
Revolving Credit - Cannot
exceed $25,000 without high bank reference.
D&B Report - Must show
clear history with at least 60 paydex.
Suits/Liens/Judgments - None
on credit bureau and D&B report
only from $75,000 to $100,000 - Requires 7 years in business, medium
5 bank balance, and 50% comparable lease or loan reference.